Report Abuse

At Unstoppable Domains, we take abuse reports seriously to ensure the safety and integrity of our platform.

Abuse can include inappropriate content, malware, phishing, spam, and other harmful activities.

When reporting an abuse, please include the following information:

  • A domain name involved in abuse (e.g. '')
  • A detailed description of the issue, including any relevant evidence to support your claim.
  • Abuse-specific information (please see a full list below)
To report abuse, email us at

Common types of abuse and evidence requirements:

1. Abuse reports refers to any inappropriate content, including but not limited to identity theft, unauthorized redirects/frames/IP pointing, defamation, terrorism propaganda, high-yield investment programs (HYIP), warez, and more.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
  • Screenshot of the abusive content
2. Child abuse material includes any adult content depicting minors (individuals under 18 years of age).
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
3. Copyright/DMCA refers to content protected by copyright that is published online without proper authorization or rights.
  • An official DMCA takedown notice
4. Email Abuse/Spam refers to unsolicited bulk commercial emails, including 'spamvertising', which involves promoting domains through spam sent from another network. Legitimate emails comply with the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act.
  • 'From' address
  • 'To' address
  • An email with full body and header
5. Fraud involves wrongful deception with the intent to obtain monetary benefits (commonly referred to as a scam) or other advantages, such as access to personal information.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
  • Paid invoices or receipts
  • Screenshot of the abusive content
  • An email with full body and header
6. Hacking activity is networking attacks such as port scanning, brute force, denial of service attacks, etc. with the intent to infect or exploit the victim’s resources, or for other illegal purposes.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
  • Abusive IP address
  • Date and time (including the time zone) of the abuse
  • Full unmasked log of the attack generated by your firewall (with the source and destination IPs/domains, user-agent, timestamps and time zone)
7. Illegal pharmacy is a website that sells or distributes medications with no valid prescription, outdated, substituted or counterfeit medications, thus violating the law.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
  • Screenshot of the abusive content
8. Malware is malicious software designed to disrupt computer operations, collect sensitive data, or gain unauthorized access to private computer systems.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
9. Phishing is a form of fraud designed to acquire sensitive information (such as usernames, passwords, PINs, credit card, or bank account details) by using fake websites that closely resemble legitimate ones.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • URL(s) of the abusive content
  • Target of the attack (legitimate website)
  • User-agent (mobile phone, PC) and browser (the content may vary depending on the device and software)
10. Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark in connection with goods and/or services, which is likely to cause confusion, deception, or a misunderstanding about the origin of the goods and/or services.
  • A formal notice of a trademark complaint
11. WHOIS inaccuracy refers to incorrect, outdated, or false contact information listed in the WHOIS database.
  • Abusive domain name(s)
  • Incorrect contact details
  • An email with full body and header